A close look at the Ron Paul agenda and some reading between the lines yields some startling revelations that most Americans have yet to even begin to comprehend. Prepare to be shocked!
Scientists Kill Oldest Living Creature On Earth! - Our Tax Dollars At Work
marine biologists have found what may be the oldest living animal — that is, until they killed it.

More Orwellian newspeak from the government Zogby polling puppet and controlled media! Are we being psychologically prepared to accept a near future attack on Iran? Is this another psy-op being conducted on the American people? Let's examine Zogby's findings from their own article.
Illegal "Victims" - Stealing Disaster Supplies Americans Won't
The fact that illegals steal from those in need is not shocking, but the media's love affair with them is. They couldn't find any dirt on Americans during the fires so they had to take this opportunity to finger point and badger us once again about our "racist" tendencies. Let's compare and examine...

Salt Lake City - In a rare move, a state attorney general plans to begin notifying thousands of residents whom it suspects have had their Social Security numbers misused by undocumented job applicants. (read illegal aliens)

The fires of San Diego are still raging round about and are only five percent contained at the time of this writing. There are similarities between New Orleans and San Diego. Both have been besieged by natural disasters (hurricane Katrina and the fires) and both are metropolitan cities. This is where the similarities seem to end though.

Ah, now we know why the ACLU defends pedophiles so strenuously!
Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, was president of the board of directors of the ACLU's Virginia affiliate from 1993 to 2005 and resigned from the ACLU's board the day he was arrested. He was also the ACLU’s stalwart champion of unrestricted porn access in public libraries. (At taxpayer expense)

Do you belong...do you truly belong? When your party officials speak do they speak at you or for you? Do you feel valued by your candidates, or are they just too busy pandering to voting blocks to worry about individuals such as yourselves? Are you really at home with your party? Are your leaders doing the right thing?If you cannot...

For most voters in the US in either of the major parties there is an ever increasing sense of alienation. Within both parties new factions have recently arisen and have hijacked their political infrastructures leaving many (such as myself) within their respective bases politically destitute and homeless.
"Jena 6" - What You're Not Being Told
Sometimes the story not told is as important or more important than the one being told. There is a great deal of hysteria and hyperbole surrounding this unfolding event. Tensions and rhetoric are high on both sides of the issue, but what are the hard facts? The truth is striving to be told through all of the innuendo and irrational spin.

Every year Forbes omits the ultra-wealthy "blue bloods" who own our Federal Reserve and much, much more. We all know who they are, most of their names have become household words over the last 4 generations. Why are their names not included in the top 400 richest list year after year? Read more here

This story just keeps getting stranger by the day. The available evidence strongly points to the "Peru meteorite" as being a deliberately and hastily scuttled military satellite. Let us take a closer look. Read more here
The Benefits Of Global Warming
We never hear the good news about global warming and it's counterbalancing effect to the relatively cold world from which we have only recently emerged. It's not all doom and gloom as you have been led to believe. One Canadian writer put it well when he said. "Global warming hmmm - and that negatively effects me how?" Read more here

Dear readers, have you ever wondered why the modern term for a bit of information is called a Byte? The first fruit from the information superhighway ... Read more here
US High School Bans American Flag
SAMPSON COUNTY, N.C. – On the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, students at one high school were not allowed to wear clothes with an American flag.Under a new school rule, students at Hobbton High School are not allowed to wear items with flags, from any country, including the United States. Read more here

Politics And The Pleasure Principle (Pt 2)
This is the logo of the Goals 2000 Education Curriculum implemented under the Clinton administration by then Secretary of Education Donna Sheliela, and heartily endorsed by the National Education Association. (NEA) This curriculum was hatched at the United Nations under the auspices of new ager Robert Muller. Of course He was not the sole architect, ... Read more here

Dear visitor, Welcome! Let me begin by asking you (the one for whom this site was made) a few questions about some of the great paradoxes of our day. These are probably questions which you have not considered, but they are critically important. What you are about to learn is probably not like anything you have ever seen or heard before. Read the article here

Santa won't have to worry about being tracked by NORAD anymore, the feds are moving in and NORAD is moving out. This is all part of the Continuity of Government (COG) - (pdf file) plan authorized by President Bush. If this doesn't raise your eyebrows then... Read the article here

Don't give up that SUV just yet. A new study shows that dams are worse than burning fossil fuels! Just when you were sure it was SUV's, or livestock, or moose, or those evil babies, you get the global warming rug pulled out from underneath you for the umteenth time. The new evil is those dams! Read more here

As the "official" story of six wayward nukes unfolds inconsistencies abound, and government reacts with absurd remedies. Government culture is not known for it's intelligence or common sense I grant you, but their reaction seems almost "Alice in Wonderland" like. Let's examine:
Read More Here

You Just Gotta See This! - Muslims Protest Cartoon!
Many protests have been sparked by yet another offensive cartoon: This is a must read! Click here

Once I began reading this alarmist story I couldn't put it down. It was such a fascinating piece of fiendish propaganda I was in awe. The journalistic fraud and scientific quackery here is as stunning as it is ghoulish. Read more here
Liberal Twilight Zone

Defending your home = War on black males!
Here is a stunning bit of logic from one of our elected officials. You gotta read this. Click here for the article
Warning - They're Putting Aluminum In Your Food!!!
Aluminum was found to be toxic to the nervous system of animals over 100 years ago. Injecting aluminum into the brains of sheep was reported in 1965 to result in changes in the brain that showed a “striking resemblance” to Alzheimer's disease (AD) in people. In 1973, brains of AD patients were found to contain more aluminum ... Click here for the article
The Enemies Within
The following is a documented chronicle of internal enemies of the people and Constitution of the US. This list is not complete, and is an ongoing project. Click here for the article
If The Left Had Their Way In The USA
Dear reader does the heavy hand of power in America cause you private distress? Can you feel the stress fractures growing between the government and the governed? If you answered yes to the above then you are my favorite audience with whom I would like very much to dialogue.
Click here for the article

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization issued a report stating that the livestock business generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined. Wow! More than all forms of transportation combined? I am speechless, not really...Click here for the article
Global Warming Crime Wave - Shocker!

The first paragraph reads as follows; To read more click here

Let us examine some of the great yet little known paradoxes of our day. They will prove to be points of intense controversy once brought to light. These are paradoxes which you probably have not considered, but they are critically important if we are to gain awareness of the profound events which are shaping our world today. Read the whole article here

Let us begin by asking ourselves the most important question that may be asked, and indeed must be asked. Who are the haters? Is it western nations who take in hostile ethnic minorities with good will, or is it the minorities who become militant towards their gracious hosts? The west freely lavishes them with entitlements and opens their treasuries, schools, hospitals, and boundless opportunities to them ... Click here for the rest of the story

The global warming crowd has a real situation on their hands. It seems moose are major culprits in global warming. Of course all herbivores/omnivores such as deer, bears, ducks and more emit high amounts of flatulent methane, (the most evil of greenhouse gasses) but the moose...Read the whole article here
Global Warming Toys For Tots

Is your child apathetic or indifferent to the global warming crisis? Or even worse are they deniers? Not any more! Now you too can have these ultra trendy global warming toys for your children. You're sure to cause a sensation! But don't wait till Christmas (oops! we mean winter festival) Get 'em while they're hot! Read the whole article here
Judicial Watch - Bad Judges
Where do these judges come from? Are they from Hell? You be the judge! Thousands of Americans are victimized every year because judges like the ones listed here don't, won't or can't do their jobs. Every year thousands of rapes, DUI related deaths, murders, assaults, and robberies occur needlessly in the US and are 100% preventable. Many, if not most of these... Read the whole article here
Global Warming Schizophrenia
Sometimes I feel schizophrenic when I read all of the self-contradictory global warming studies, stories, and UN proclamations. I just don’t know how they do it! They tell us more hurricanes, less hurricanes, coral reefs grow, coral reefs shrink, and the list grows everyday. It is through the chaos of these stories that the truth is striving to be told. Read the whole article here
Warning - Global Warming Censorship!
Judicial Watch - Bad Judges

Global Warming Schizophrenia

Warning - Global Warming Censorship!

Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish I were creative enough to make this stuff up! Just when you thought you'd heard it all. This is soooo bizarre and asinine I would have thought even it's mere mention would have been rejected. Not so. Yes you read it right, the global warming crowd are trying to blame the Minnesota bridge collapse on you and me. We make such handy villains in all of their stories. ... Read the whole article here
Media's New Magic Bullets

Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Polar Bears In Peril

Global Warping part ll

Fuzzy Math of Climate Change - Astounding!


To be sung in a loud tenor so as not to be questioned by the sheeple!
I must say that global warming has me working overtime with all of it's contradictory claims. Here's one whale of a tale. (Pun intended)
On July 6Th 2007 ScienceDaily reported in an article entitled "Skinny gray whales swim Pacific Coast" as follows. Read the whole article here
Global Warping part l

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