Thousands of meteorites have fallen to Earth and people have not fallen ill. Why now? The early reports of the meteor strike in Peru were surrounded by reports of illness that parallel that of radiation sickness.
In a report entitled, "Mystery Illness After 'Meteorite' Hits Peru Village" the symptoms were described as follows:
"Residents complained of headaches and vomiting brought on by a "strange odor," local health department official Jorge Lopez told Peruvian radio RPP. Seven policemen who went to check on the reports also became ill and had to be given oxygen before being hospitalized, Lopez said."
Yet another part of the same report stated, "villagers were startled by an explosion and a fireball that many were convinced was an airplane crashing..." This report leads one to believe that it is possibly man-made in origin. Let us continue.
The AP reported, "Other details don't add up, they said — such as witness accounts of water in the muddy crater boiling for 10 minutes from the heat. Meteorites are actually cold when they hit Earth, astronomists say, since their outer layers burn up and fall away before impact."
Another story reported. "There are fumes of a substance that we cannot determine, perhaps sulfur or ammonia," said Jorge Lopez, Health Director for the Puno area, to EFE, admitting that there is the 'latent danger' that further health woes may be visited upon the locals."
Now let's follow this story logically.
- Illness corresponds strongly to radiation poisoning
- Witnesses were convinced it was a plane crash (something man-made?)
- Water in the muddy crater boiling for 10 minutes from the heat. (suggests fuel or heat source)
- There are fumes of a substance that cannot be determined
Let's deduce:
Above we find what seems to be the aftermath of a downed military satellite. Since we know that the secret KH-13 was nuclear powered this would explain the radiation sickness. Witnesses thought it was man-made. Water boiling after the impact suggests heat from a power source-perhaps a nuclear reactor? Fumes not determined-could this be hydrazine fuel for course corrections and re-targeting ? (or re-tasking)
All of this seems to add up to only one thing-a military satellite.
Since it struck land and not the ocean it would seem quite possible that this satellite was scuttled in a hurry. Satellites that have outlived their usefulness are brought down in remote locations (such as over an ocean) when possible and the media is alerted well in advance.
Let's speculate:
Since it is well known that this administration wants to pre-emptively attack Iran against the recommendations of top brass in the Pentagon it is no stretch to surmise that there are opposing factions between the present administration and the military. The US military has few nuclear powered satellites, and fewer yet that might play a role in any pre-emptive strike against Iran.
You might recall a story I broke about the B-52's loaded with nuclear tipped cruise missiles and the big problems with the official explanation. These cruise missiles rely upon satellite data for targeting and telemetry. This was a story of infighting between the administration and top brass as well.
There is also another not so well known and unsettling story of infighting in another article which I covered - Feds Commandeer NORAD For Continuity Of Govt! There are many in the military (and the general US population) who resent and oppose the administration taking over the fortress of America's security.
In light of all that is going on there is only one satellite that seems to fill the bill. It is the secret KH-13 which is used for target acquisition and damage assessment.
"KH13 An electro-optical/IR satellite, it is an improved version of the KH12 that, unlike previous models, is undetectable by radar or infrared sensors as a safeguard against the possible use of anti-satellite weapons.
8X The 8X was launched in May 1999 in the first of a likely series of 24 multi-function satellites that will eventually cover the globe, passing over any given spot of the planet every 15 minutes. Featuring superior optics, these satellites are typically sent into a high "Molniya" orbit, an elongated, elliptical path where the satellite's speed slows down dramatically at the apogee. Its high quality sensors compensate for the longer ranges resulting from its higher altitude. It also has an adjustable dwell capability, making it useful for real-time tactical battlefield observation. One of the drawbacks, however, is the less frequent, elliptical orbit, which means that a target will have a longer window of time in which people or vehicles can maneuver unobserved. The 8X carries significantly larger fuel tanks (hydrazine) than the KH series and can be refueled by the Space Shuttle. Each adjustment to its orbit will burn up a large portion of fuel, however, due to the satellite's enormous mass."
It's mass is approximately 40, 000 pounds. Massive enough to remain intact during re-entry and blast a crater 60 feet wide by 13 feet deep.
As far as I can tell there are no other operational satellites that could do what happened in Peru.
Note for the skeptics in the comments section: Below is the crater from the Flight 93 crash of 911. There was little debris recovered (and this 757 was twelve times more massive than the KH-13 satellite) and left a big crater. Below is a pic of the Peru meteor crater. Again there was little or no debris.
Some of the debris from the Pennsylvania crash site - such as the Flight 93 flight recorder was buried under over 7 feet of earth. (So they tell us)
A satellite re-entering the Earth's atmosphere would have oblated (melted) at high altitude in large part leaving a semi-molten hulk which no doubt would have been buried deep in soft wet soil. This crater has not yet been excavated which explains why no debris has been found.
In the comments below a visitor has postulated that the crater was simply a volcanic vent. If this is the case we must discard eyewittness sightings and testimony. Are you telling me based on your criteria (see comments section below) that the Flight 93 crater was a volcanic vent also?

1 – 200 of 262 Newer› Newest»I have a close friend who is in the Air Force (a pilot stationed at Nellis, AFB) who was very angry about your article "Feds commandeer Norad" He was skeptical at first, then after confirming your story he was very upset. He's only a captain with 5 years in. I can only imagine how betrayed the higher ranking officers feel about this power play by the Bush administration.
Other than the fact that there were NO SIGNS of radiation as reported by all the media, your theory is an interesting one. In fact, there is a nearly identical story making the rounds in Pravda (or National Enquirer - I forget which).
The world is full of interesting event dots to connect, speculation doesn't help; but hard evidence does.
looked through all the articles about "Peruvian meteorite"- and none of them said :
"there were NO SIGNS of radiation"
From the BBC:
"An engineer from the Peruvian Nuclear Energy Institute told AFP news agency that no radiation had been detected from the crater. He ruled out any possibility that the fallen object might be a satellite."
NO RADIATION was reported by several sources, just Google for "Peru meteorite radiation".
FoxNews is also saying this so we know it has to be true.
Serioursly, don't trust anything you read. Do your own systematic homework to form an educated opinion. Anything is possible, but what we have to determine is what's -probable-.
Personally, I like Occam's razor.
If you do a little research on the subject you can find that the area is near a volcano. This volcano is active and has erupted within the last year. This kind of incident has also occured in the area before. Each time the "meteor" crater was found to be caused by an eruption of gas buildup underground and NOT a meteor. The key with these kind of fanciful stories is to do a little research before jumping to wild conclusions. It wasn't a US spy satellite, it wasn't even a meteor. It was a gas explosion from underground caused by the volcano in the vicinity.
Hi anonymous,
A little research huh? Can you tell the difference between a crater and a volcano?
Sure. This isn't the crater of the actual volcano we're talking about here (the one at the summit). Just an eruption of gas from a vent in the vicinity of the volcano. It's happened before in the area. It also explains why the crater is so small, it explains why there was bubbling water and mud at the bottom of the crater, and it explains why people were getting sick from the gases coming out (carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide can all make people sick). This is especially convincing due to the fact that no radiation was detected at the site and there was no wreckage found. If you still choose to believe the fantasy of an opinion writer at Pravda then go ahead, but I choose to believe a theory actually grounded in facts.
Hi anonymous,
Please see my rebuttal above. (At the bottom of the post) You do make a good point about the lack of radiation. Perhaps the satellite did not have a nuclear reactor onboard. We don't know. Hydrazine will burn skin and cause severe nausea also as was reported. I'm glad you brought that up. At first I thought radiation might have been the cause of the burns and illness.
By the way this was no small crater as you say. It was reported to be over 60 feet wide by 13 feet deep.
As a whole eyewitness sightings are altogether unreliable. People see what they want to see, and change stories as they go. Eyewitnesses are now saying the meteor crater has magical healing powers. Do you believe them as well? Thousands of eyewitnesses have also seen bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. Do you believe them too? If you still maintain that this was a satellite and that the fuel from it was what made people sick then where was the wreckage? And don't try to tell me that the US somehow got to the place silently and without the villagers who lived in the area knowing and cleaned up EVERYTHING before anyone could notice, because we both know that's BS. The point is that there is absolutely no hard evidence to suggest this insane conspiracy theory is true. You believe a OPINION article that is completely speculation by the author, (that's right it was in the OPINION section) of a paper that has a reputation for falsifying stories just because it fits your agenda. Show a little integrity and admit that they're wrong.
Anonymous said, "Show a little integrity and admit that they're wrong." I do not know that they are wrong, and neither do you. Did you read my rebuttal at the end of my article above? Where was all of the debris from Flight 93, or the flight that struck the Pentagon for that matter? There was very little recovered wreckage from these 240 ton aircraft.
The Peruvian witnesses can hardly be said to have wanted to see a "fireball from the sky", since they were not expecting it. If it were a figment of their imagination then there should be no physical evidence.(the crater) Let us use a little common sense.
The justice system in our land relies heavily upon eyewitness testimony. Much weight is rightly accorded eyewitness sightings. While eyewitnesses can be wrong, most of the time multiple witnesses are correct in general observation. For example, multiple witnesses may see a robbery, but disagree upon the color of the perps shoes, or even the exact time it took place, but there was still the accurate sighting of a robbery.
You are using deliberate obfuscation here and you know it. Have some integrity and admit it!
I have never said that there is a conspiracy here! Please read the article before spewing this nonsense!
By the way, your denigration of, and insinuation that Peruvian natives are ignorant is ugly.
I never cited Pravda as a source as you claim.
This incident falls into the "some people never learn" category.
Nuclear Satellite Accidents:
There have been at least 41 known Soviet and now Russian missions involving nuclear power. At least six have failed. To date, three of 26 US nuclear space missions have failed - a failure rate of 12 percent.
- 1964: A US satellite powered by 2.1 pounds of plutonium in a SNAP 9A reactor burned up over the West Indian Ocean, leaving a swath of plutonium-238 in the stratosphere. By November 1970, only about 5 percent of the original Plutonium-238 remained in the atmosphere and a US soil sampling showed SNAP-9A debris was present "at all continents and at all latitudes."
- 1968: A NIMBUS-B-1 weather satellite was destroyed after its launch vehicle malfunctioned. The plutonium fuel cells from the spacecraft's two RTGs were recovered, intact, from the bottom of the Santa Barbara Channel, near the California coast.
- 1969: Kosmos 300 and Kosmos 305 burned up in the atmosphere. It contained 31.1 kilograms of radioactive fuel, and fell back to Earth. The on-board fuel broke open on reentry and landed in the Pacific Ocean, just North of Japan.
- 1970: The Apollo 13 mission was aborted, and the spacecraft returned to Earth. The RTG was attached to the lunar module, which broke up on reentry. The RTG heat source reentered the Earth atmosphere intact, with no release of plutonium, and currently is located deep in the Tonga trench in the Pacific Ocean.
- 1973: A Soviet RORSAT satellite came down in flames north of Japan, trailing radiation. It contained 31.1 kilograms of radioactive fuel, and fell back to Earth. The on-board fuel broke open on reentry and landed in the Pacific Ocean, just North of Japan.
- 1975: NASA launched Viking 1, which was to survey Mars. The vehicle broke up in orbit. Currently only 190 parts remain in orbit and are being tracked. It is not known if the radioactive fuel is still in orbit or has already be deposited on the surface of the Earth.
- 1978: The Kosmos 954 fell from the sky, scattering 110 pounds of highly-enriched uranium fuel over a 600-km (373-mile) path across Canada's Northwest Territories.
- 1982 : The Kosmos 1402 failed. When safety systems failed to boost the satellite's reactor core into a higher "safe" orbit, the craft plummeted into the South Atlantic, releasing 68 pounds of uranium-238 over the South Atlantic Ocean.
- 1983: USSR's RORSAT Kosmos 1172 exploded in orbit, breaking into 158 pieces. All but 3 pieces fell to Earth. It is not known whether the 30 kilograms of radioactive material are still in orbit, or have already been scattered in Earth's atmosphere.
- 1987: USSR's RORSAT Kosmos 1900 failed to reach its orbit and was pushed into an elliptical orbit to keep it in "storage." It is now predicted to reenter the Earth's atmosphere, with its payload of 30 kilograms of radioactive material, in a few hundred years.
- 1996, Chilean Navy Commander-in-Chief Jorge Martinez Busch ordered a Navy ship to look for traces of plutonium in an area southeast of Easter Island (Pacific Ocean west of Chili) where a Russian satellite fell to earth in Chilean territorial waters on November 17. 200 grams of plutonium 238 was contained in the Mars 96's batteries.
"The news is bad," says Barrera. an astrophysicist at the Astronomy Institute at Chile's Universidad Catolica del Norte, "I think it vaporized."
The MARS-96 spacecraft was built using the PHOBOS type spacecraft. Russia's last Mars mission failed when Phobos-1 and Phobos-2, launched a few days apart in July 1988, vanished without a trace.
Even the "successful" orbits of many of these satellites will ultimately decay, and eventually plummet to Earth. The Soviet "Kosmos" satellites currently in "stable" orbits will reenter our atmosphere in just short of 300 years. Information about all of the poisonous material in these declining orbits is still classified, but some estimates place the amount of radioactive fuel (plutonium and enriched uranium) "up there" at well over a metric ton!
Are you trying to tell us that these kinds of things just don't happen anonymous? Let us keep an open mind in view of the evidence given.
Again with more conspiracy theories. There was wreckage recovered from both the flight 93 site and the pentagon site so your point about there being very little wreckage is moot, because the was NO wreckage found here. You didn't cite Pravda as your source but everyone knows that's exactly where this theory originated because there are no reputable publications stupid enough to run a story with absolutely no corroborating evidence. If you didn't get this story from Pravda then where did you get it from?
Sounds like a conspiracy theory (strikingly similar to the one on Pravda's website) to me, taken directly from your article.
"Since it is well known that this administration wants to pre-emptively attack Iran against the recommendations of top brass in the Pentagon it is no stretch to surmise that there are opposing factions between the present administration and the military. The US military has few nuclear powered satellites, and fewer yet that might play a role in any pre-emptive strike against Iran."
Why go back to the nuclear theory when there was no radiation found at the site? What can you possibly base your claim on? All of the examples you listed prove my point for me. Each had a detectable amount of nuclear material on board which isn't the case here. I don't deny that satellites can be intentionally brought down from orbit, but the whole theory about this incident being a satellite specifically used by the military to target Iran is a bunch of garbage.
By the way, I never claimed that the natives of the area were ignorant, just wrong about what they thought they saw. It can happen to anyone and when superstition and other factors come in to play can completely alter a person's story.
Anonymous please do me a big favor and research all of the items you mention. I will not do it for you.
In many cases of downed satellites there was denial in the beginning both on the US and Soviet side. You are wrong on this!!!
The "nuclear theory" came from my observation of the illnesses reported by some six hundred victims. Again, didn't you even read the article?
Please go read up on the Pennsylvania and Pentagon wreckage on 911.
So this came solely from your interpretation of the symptoms of vomiting and headaches described by some of the villagers? You do realize that there are literally thousands of substances, gases, bacteria, etc that can cause those symptoms, right? Am I also supposed to believe your rant about the opposing factions within the military fighting over attacking Iran (which is nearly identical to the Pravda version) was solely from this interpretation as well?
You're not only a conspiracy nut (like so many others on the internet) but your a plagarizing conspiracy nut, congratulations setting a new low for internet "journalism".
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion
or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even
as a corpse or cadaver, but will unhesitatingly obey each
and every command that I may receive from media and government in the Militia of Bush and company… I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage
relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics who dare question the official stories which they are spoon fed by the Holy Administration and their allied media.
This is for you anonymous!!!
To my way of thinking, it all 'boils' down to the radioactivity poisoning. If radioactive, then the Pravda report rings true, otherwise not.
If it were a US spy satellite, there would also be cover-up reports of a non-radioactive site, so I ignore those negative reports.
Mass hysteria, arsenic, volcanic vent, or what ever else is currently touted does not ring true to me. Surely radiation poisoning must be at the bottom of the list for Peruvian doctors to look for, and the natural causes at the top. 200 - 600 cases of radiation poisoning? For the local doctors mistakenly to chose this as the cause, rather than a natural & more common cause, is extremely unlikely.
Is the Russian military wrong? They would be one of the few to know the truth if it were a US spy satellite. If true, they would have good reason to want to get the information out, as they do not want WWIII. I don't see a reason for the Russian military to lie about a meteor in Peru.
I tend to think that once again corporate media is lying to us, perhaps unknowingly, just like the JFK, RFK, MLK, UFO's, Watergate, two Bush elections, 9/11...
Last thought, perhaps it was a high altitude weather balloon.
Sorry, just a quick chime in here. 40000 lbs hitting the earth hard enough to dig a 13 foot deep crater in solid earth creates temperatures hot enough to ignite hydrazine, which is, after all, being used as a high energy fuel and really isn't that hard to ignite. Why would that fuel not ignite on impact and magically leak away to kill the natives?
So, if it WAS a 40,000 lb satellite, don't tell me that there was enough heat to vaporize all the metal on impact, but NOT enough to burn off the fuel inside.
Also, if it was a satellite, another argument could be that the remainder punched very far down into the crater beyond sight, but, radiation isn't some magical force that teleports instantly from chernobl into your mom, it requires the movement of unstable isotopes to proximity to the victims OR a significant amount of decay radiation to make it to the victims. If you're talking about making 5 or 6 hundred people sick over a large area, then you need quite a bit of radioactive material to have scattered, and since it is usually packed up pretty tightly, either its entrenched twenty, thirty, fifty feet down in the earth (where its ability to damage five hundred people overnight is pretty questionable) or it didn't exist in the first place.
On the other hand, a couple tons of sulfur dioxide spewed from a volcanic vent would make a lot of noise, a similar crater (although you would have to demonstrate the fallout instead of the compaction) and probably pump up through the water table to make a bubbling pool of water.
Or something.
I'm wondering, how did talks about nuclear tipped cruise missles on a B-52 make it into a discussion about a potential crash site?
If you consider so much extraneous information as to set the stage for a conclusion, then you lose the ability to critically think your way to that conclusion. I urge everyone to stop thinking about Iran, B-52's, the love shack AND Feds/Bush/League Of Demons or whatever we call it this week and think about the matter at hand :)
Thought it might be nice to include the bulk of the Pravda report.
Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was 'destroyed in its orbit' with its main power generator powered by the radioactive isotope Pu-238 surviving re-entry and crashing in a remote region of the South American Nation of Peru, and where hundreds are reported to be ill from radiation poisoning.
Western media reports are stating that the US spy satellite debris hitting Peru was caused by a meteor, but which, according to these reports, would be 'impossible' as the size of 30-meter crater, if caused by a meteorite, would have hit the ground with about as much energy as 1 kiloton tactical nuclear weapon would have been recorded by the seismic stations around the World.
Most astonishing about these reports, however, are that they state that it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces' 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This incident further fuels the intrigue involving the United States War Leaders plans to attack Iran in their attempt to engulf the entire Middle East in Total War, but, against which, according to Russian Military Intelligence Analysts, a 'high ranking and significant' faction of the American Military Establishment is opposed to.
This can be further evidenced by this past few weeks unprecedented announcement by the United States Air Force that 6 nuclear armed cruise missiles were removed, without authorization, from their secure holding facility, located in North Dakota at the Minot Air Force Base, and flown to Barksdale Air Force Base, located in Louisiana, where they were left 'unattended' for 'nearly 10 hours'. .
What remains unknown to us, at this time, is what counter-planning the American War Leaders have in store for furthering their war aims against Iran as the United States Military have 'clearly signaled' that it will not allow nuclear weapons to be used, even to the extent of denying to their War Leaders one of their most prized spy satellites used to guide their nuclear cruise missiles to their intended Iranian targets.
Oh please, get a life. The vaporisation of toxic water in the water table caused the illness. It's also widely reported from day one that there was no radiation. So your whole ridiculous conspiracy theory falls apart. I wouldn't normally think of a meteorite as the most probable explanation, but Ochams's Razor would apply here and you can look elsewhere for your rogue satellites..
is global warming more to do with space games,i have observed over the last few years that unusual and disastrous weather patterns occur after spacecraft break through the ozone layer.
Good Job! :)
This is easily one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on the internet, and that says a lot. Meteorite fragments from this crater have been analyzed, confirmed as a meteorite by multiple laboratories, and given a unique identifier by the Meteoritical Society. Have a look:
Go to:
...and type in "carancas" in "Search Text.
It's a rock, kids. Meteorites contain all manner of metastable phases like extraterrestrial sulfides that break down quickly in water (especially if heated/vaporized by impact!), which is probably the source of the sulfurous cloud that caused sickness. No mystery there.
As a side note, you used a picture of a satellite with great big solar panels, then claim that it is nuclear powered. Nice.
On the upside, now I at least know who reads Pravda without laughing.
last comment is the right one...I've read about volcanos, nuclear spy satellites, radiations, ... but nobody says that this is a real meteorite crater, proofed, analyzed.
The other anonymous, that says "Just an eruption of gas from a vent in the vicinity of the volcano. It's happened before in the area"??
have you seen the photos? have you ever got some geology notions or similar?? Well, i'm studying geology and I can tell you that it's impossible that this crater is a vent. this photo is simply a meteorite crater.
The problem of people in internet, is that everybody says everything without a real knowledge about the topic. So get some information first........
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