The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down on Sept. 14 to review procedures, officials said. In addition to the munitions squadron commander who was relieved of his duties, crews involved with the mistaken load — including ground crew workers — have been temporarily decertified for handling munitions, one official said.
According to the U.S. Air Force statement, the commanding officer in charge of military munitions personnel and additional munitions airmen were relieved of duties pending the completion of the investigation.
According to Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, "the error could not have come from confusing the Advanced Cruise Missile with a conventional weapons since no conventional form exists. So the munitions Airmen should have been easily able to spot the mistake. Other routine procedures were violated which suggests a rather obvious explanation for the error. The military munitions personnel were acting under direct orders, though not through the regular chain of military command."
Now the question is - How did a squadron commander get access to nuclear warheads? (Weapons of mass destruction?) All nuclear weapons are released only by upper echelon authority. There are fail-safe procedures and protocols in place to keep just this sort of thing from happening.

How did it happen? Was the president involved, was this a covert operation, or was there a security breach? Any way you slice it, there is something very, very wrong with this story.
The timing of this looks very suspicious. This happens now at a time when there is much talk of: The US preemptively Striking Iran and large scale terrorist attacks on US soil.
Is all of this just coincidence? Time will tell. Don't expect the truth from the military investigators though.
Take a look at these comments to get the seriousness of the crisis.
Rep. Ike Skelton, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, called the mishandling of the weapons “deeply disturbing” and said the committee would press the military for details. Rep. Edward J. Markey, a senior member of the Homeland Security committee, said it was “absolutely inexcusable.”
“Nothing like this has ever been reported before and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible,” said Markey, D-Mass., co-chair of the House task force on nonproliferation.
Another angle of the story coming out also looks suspicious. Why was the nuclear armed B-52 sent to Barksdale AFB?
If initial reports that the weapons were being decommissioned, but were mistakenly transported by a B-52 bomber, then the weapons should have been taken to Kirtland Air Force Base. According to Kristensen, this is “where the warheads are separated from the rest of the weapon and shipped to the Energy Department’s Pantex dismantlement facility near Amarillo, Texas”
It is well known that Barksdale AFB is used as a staging base for operations in the Middle East.
Another strange twist here from MSNBC:
Langley jets grounded next week for safety review
WAVY-TV HAMPTON, Va. (AP) -- Langley Air Force Base will ground its jets next week.
The Air Force says the service's Air Combat Command has ordered all jet fighters and bombers to remain grounded so airmen can review safety procedures and protocol.
Langley is home to three fighter squadrons, which fly the F-15 Eagle and F-22A Raptor.
The nuclear tipped cruise missiles were on bombers not fighters! Fighters do not carry nuclear weapons. Furthermore the incident happened at Minot Air Force Base and not Langley Air Force Base. What is more disturbing is the fact that Langley is charged with defending the airspace over much of the east coast including the capitol. Why are fighters being ordered to stand down? This just doesn't compute!
Let's review the strange and inconsistent aspects of this unfolding story:
1. Nuclear tipped weapons loaded and transported skirting layers of fail-safe security measures and the chain of command.
2. Nuclear tipped weapons supposedly slated for decommission transported to a base that does not have the facilities necessary.
3. Very suspicious timing. This all happens at a time when there is much talk of the US preemptively Striking Iran and/or large scale terrorist attacks on US soil.
4. Langley Air Force Base will ground its jets for a week leaving vital airspace much less protected. This announcement will alert any would be attackers that we will be vulnerable during this period.
The whole scenario doesn't sound good or square up. Something much more is going on than we are being told!
Free World Survey Home
Breaking related story -
1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»Coincidence that we are also seeing :
"Israeli jets may have been on an Iran attack drill when they were fired on by Syrian forces"
Come on, everybody!
"but i believe the world is burning to the ground
oh well i guess we're gonna find out
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
oh well, i guess, we're gonna pretend,
let's see how far we've come
let's see how far we've come"
Moving nukes around requires a presidential directive.
NOW can we impeach the crazy sonofabitch?
This appears to be another attempt to get World War 3 underway, and finally exterminate the mass of the human race with the use of nuclear weapons.
This is why the Extraterrestrials have made their appearance into our world.
The B-52 bomber in question took over 3 and one half hours to make a journey of about 2 hours. We must ask ourselves; "Did they try to launch the other 5 missiles on board also?
Did "ET" take the cruise missile to play hide and seek with our nuclear war fighting elite?
Did Steve Fossett go and play hide and seek to allow the Air Force to look for the missing cruise missile?
We are the "Living Dead," get over it. Our nuclear war fighting elite want us exterminated, and the Extraterrestrials do not want an all out nuclear war.
Thank you, to the military people who put this story out into the open.
I'm not an expert, but after a 24 year career with the USAF I can't believe how this could have been an honest mistake. First of all, nuclear weapons are protected by two policies- the no lone zone, which means that no one individual is allowed in a nuclear storage area without an escort,and 2, verfiable custody. This means that the identity of the object being removed is positively identified and all steps of custody are fully documented. Now, even if these weapons are unique, the USAF would still keep dummy missiles of the same type on hand to train the munitions technicians responsible for loading. But training missiles are easily identified by the manner in which they are painted. Even then verifiable custody should have exposed the error before the missles left the munitions storage area. Methinks there's something rotten in Denmark- or in this case, Barksdale.
Nuclear weaponds flying around under god knows who's control.
Langely air support for east coast is grounded.
The White House has just moved in it DC an advanced air defence detachment from Florida.
Two days to 6th anniversary of 911.
Most people in the US belive 911 was in inside job.
Seems as though the same scenario happened or at least very similar one before & during 911. What seems suspicious to me is that we know about it at all. So what’s behind the curtain when our attention is being diverted say towards Osama video.
What we don't know.
This is a good article but something else is definitely amiss.
I hate to admit it, but reading your responses to my article is more interesting than the article itself. Good points made you guys!
what makes it weird too is the fact that loading bombers with nuclear weapons is DEF CON 3. this kind of alert status of the US military was reached the last times on 9/11 and in 1973 (Yom Kippur War when the US feared that the Soviets might intervene). by no means this can happen by mistake without orders.
Some honest and innocent airman blew the whistle on an illegal intelligence operation. He just saved a whole bunch of lives.
Good job guy.
The op did steal the missiles from the first base. They would never have been seen again and no clue of what happened to them. 'Just up and vanished.'
They pulled off a long, long list of spy evil to get as far as they did.
Either a ring of traitors will be casually rounded up.. or.. nothing much will come of it and we will know the operation orders came from the White House itself.
We got lucky. Simple as that.
These need presidential codes. Bush is a traitor and his regime engineered 911. When I was in the military this kind of crap would not be tolerated. My question is WHERE are the nukes now? Where'd they go after they were found? Anyone know? Are they going to turn up or blow up somewhere?
Excellent point Ken D. Webber. Where are the nukes now. Great question! Will they tell us?
All of the Executive orders are in place for marshal law.(remember 911?). Another false flag operaton would be nukes going off in the U.S.A. The evidence would be evaporated, so the next thing would be to turn on the controled media on us poor sheep and blame Iran.
I just asked my husband who flew B52's out of Barksdale where they would possibly store the weapons, and he answered that live nukes are used all the time.Barksdale has a storage facility for them.
They just don't fly with them.
I also think there is something odd in this. Problem is, what can the general public do. We have these weapons in our own cities.
When I see news like this come around, I think certain powers are fishing to see who is paying attention. Why is question
B52 wife here:
I correct myself. Not used all the time, but there are or have been live nukes stored at barksdale.
Thanks for the input B52 wife! Good to help us get our facts straight.
where is cheney?
>>erinzdad said...
Excellent point Ken D. Webber. Where are the nukes now. Great question! Will they tell us?>>
Perhaps their plan is to establish more fear to control us...Remember this whole summer has been filled with "gut feelings" etc., about mulitple nuke attacks on our soil. Or...
To answer your question: They might be planning to "show" us by popping Chicago, LA, Houston, SF, etc. Life has become like some dark nighmare and when you pinch yourself, it hurts.
My opinion on this story is that it is a trigger story. By trigger I mean that this story has been planted to communicate with covert operatives under deep cover. This story is the go command for some domestic operation with the date September 14th and the number 6 (nuclear missiles) having significance only the command and operatives know. The operation to be undertaken must be profound due to the nature of the origination of this story and subsequent stories. It should be understood that the originators (unidentified USAF officers)of this story could have been discounted in any number of ways by official sources. The government did not discount the "leaked story" but amazingly gave it more credence by issuing a suporting story with more information (the stand down of USAF forces on Sept 14th). This validated the original go status (of the operation) indicated by the original leaked story for the operatives. With such a profound mission you would not want any mistakes such as a similiar story showing up by chance. The follow up story was absolutely needed. I do not have any military or espionage background but do study the internet quite a bit, perhaps too much. I hope I am wrong.
B52 wife
You are welcome. It is hard to make heads or tails of what is happening, an understatement.
I will say that my spouse is alarmed, as these things don't just happen. We were analyzing the possiblity of a rift in senior military personel. The whistle blowers and their method of bringing this out. Normaly a Fubar like this one does not come out in the open till weeks later. Why did certain individuals report so open without going through certain protocol first? It does not make sense.
America is bankrupt seriously
your living is paid for by China and japan
no kidding
in this context what will America do to save itself
A) conquer the middle east and take the oil
B) crawl back to the common wealth
and institute Canada's laws and regulations including all public officials swearing alegience to the queen of England who sits on Christ's throne untill he returns
c) suicide itself into a third world nation
tick tock tick tock tick tick
time is running out son you will be a third world nation if you do nothing
pick B at least you will still maintain some dignity left
God save the Queen
B52 wife
D)It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!
A hero once said that.
No matter what happens, one thing is certain, no ones life is forever.We have forgot what this means, and we live in fear of everything, so we do nothing. But what to do? We must examine ourselves first, and quickly.Maybe,the state of mind when our end comes, and it comes for us all, is more important than only worrying about saving our hides.That is dignity.
God save us all
Only the mossad has higher authority than the President of the United States in matters pertaining to nuke logistical translations.This operation is bankrolled by the former fugitive billionaire, Marc Rich. All thinks are not as they seem, Arcana.
go to his site ,he has classified information from some of the servicement who went public with this story ,..breaking news daily he is in talkks with legal to see what he can and cannot say..
this involves al the way up the chain to Cheney and Bush who just happened to be in the safest place in the world for nuclear attakcs.convenient...
do not let this story die ..people we wee so close you have no idea ..canadian servicemen were on highest alert ..you tell me
Minot Staff - for those who are interested
The predecessors: (Nothing like this has ever happened on their watch)
Lt. Gen. Robert J. Elder Jr.
Col. Eldon A. Woodie
The directly responsible:
Col. Emig
Col. Robert Critchlow, 91st Operations Group commander
Col. Marty Whelan, 91st Space Wing
Chief Master Sgt. Mark Clark
The enlightened: (those who should immediately be given 24 hr protections)
First Lt. Aaron Cook
Captain Jason Hopkin
Senior Airman Justin Decker
I also think Chenny is evil incarnate and is behind 911 and the plans to nuke Iran, who benifits? 1. Israel. 2. the military industrial complex. 3. the oil companies.
Yes the U,S, is bankrupt, we are lving on borrowed money nothing is manufactured in the U.S. that counts like heavy manufacturing clothing ,steel, these items bring wealth, we are totally broke the $ is toast. the only reason china doesnt reposess the U.S. is our nukes, chenny and the other crazyes want to appear the world strong man to keep the world loaning us trillions, but the jig is up the fat lady is inhaling ,bend over grab your ankles and kiss your hiney nighty night!!
Anonymous said:
"but the jig is up the fat lady is inhaling." You have a way with words, and I heartily agree with you. I hope she doesn't start singing for awhile now that we may have exposed her.
If something happens guys, don't be surprised if we're all forced to get chipped. This is all so surreal. yet it's really happening right before our eyes!
clinton engineered it - bush can't even plan a meeting in a 7 month period. lol. nah why do we blame government?
Too many ends that are turned over already to blame it on someone-
Nukes aren't some "high tech" technology, You should have heard about all those nukes flying over in the 80's, makes you wander what new weapons are out there flying overhead the public doesn't know about.
Add to this post that someone expects the S&P500 to lose half it's value between now and September 21st and that the USAF is in stand-down starting 9/14.
Remember, the FBI's bin Laden wanted poster doesn't mention 9/11 because they said there isn't enough evidence to link him to the attack.
IMHO, something is going on and it started when "W" was selected POTUS. I believed the "official 9/11 story" until 2005 when I started looking at the evidence and started to say holy s***. I've seen speculation that is actually part of "Noble Resolve", an exercise started April of 2007 and intended to run for a few years.
My dad, a life long Republican, can't believe what the Admin is getting away with and is wondering why no one is trying to stop them. My dad says, "It's as if they (politicians and business elite) know something is going to happen and they are trying to get as much wealth as possible before it starts".
I hope September is peaceful and nothing happens.
Yankee Liberal
To Chuck Feeney:
If this is some type of coup, the people you are suggesting to get 24 hour protection will either be locked up in a Super-Max or have accidents.
If this is a coup, the people who are pulling it off consider themselves "super patiots" and like Timothy McVey, are super-loyal and will go to the gas chamber without telling anyone what they know.
Hmmmm ... Maybe Christ is coming back.
They own us and we are expendable.
>They own us and we are expendable.
I figured that out after reading Jim Marrs' book Crossfire on the Kennedy Assassination. Since reading the book, it looks like it was carried out by CIA contractors. What is Cheney pushing? Haliburton contractors.
Someone else posted about Bush not being able to coordinate anything. You are right. However, if you read the news, Cheney is actually calling the shots and the office of Vice President has actually formed it's own shadow-government. I wouldn't be surprised if Bush has handed the nuclear football over to Cheney and this incident actually links back to him.
Yankee Liberal
I understand from further reports that the authorization for pulling out those nukes for shipment to the Mideast came from special White House codes.
That makes Cheney responsible.
What the stupid arrogant bastards in charge of this circle jerk that their trying to pull off is that if they actually nuke their own country, all they will accomplish is to give us nothing left to loose...
Prayer my friends, prayer, this is what is needed to combat this evil. This evil has been overtaking us because we have turned from Jesus Christ. There is power in prayer that is greater than we are to comprehend. Unless Americans pray for the evil to flushed out the nation will be destroyed. Biblical prophecy was given so that men could choose to change their ways, and return to God. Pray my friends pray!
"command-wide stand down on Sept. 14 to review procedures"
Note to UBL - we'll be defenceless again on Sept 14th - you know what to do!
Great to have the world's 'best' air defence system and then publicize when it will be non-operational.
Mark the dates in your calendars!
The only way this lunacy stop's is if the military stand's down and shoot's the bastard's in the head.
Good Nite, USA. They have us by the throat and most don't realize it! Sleep on, Sheeple!
The actual flying of nukes was outlawed in 1968 and this is the FIRST instance of it happening since then. Somehow, with a failsafe system, we managed to get to this point without a problem and just as these guys are begging for a reason to nuke Iran, the system breaks down?
If anyone out there is convinced that this was just a "screw up" of some kind, rather than an intentional act of conspiracy by the Bush administration, you need a serious "reality check". Something's afoot, something serious enough to cause you to liquify your assets and invest in "beans and bullets". I mean it folks, when this goes down, you'd better be sitting pretty with enough resources to keep you and your family alive and defended for at least a year. Stop looking for clues on the internet, get out there and exchange your soon-to-be-worthless dollars for items that you can actually use or barter with......as paper dollars will soon be valued only as toilet paper.
There is definitely something afoot. Linking all of the latest news, (the markets, the military exercises, etc.) certainly gives us reason to be alarmed. There are many articles on the net that, when linked together, would make anyone suspicious.
One of the problems is that there are too many people "asleep" to the reality they live in. The wool has been effectively pulled over their eyes.
All of this has prompted me to spend a great deal of my time promoting Ron Paul's campaign. We need to "clone" more people like him to run for local and state offices. But the main reason that I devote my time is simply because this campaign is waking up a great many of the "sleepers" (or "sheeple" as some like to call them).
I am still prepared to make use of the last box available to us ... if it comes down to that. Live Free!
[You can share your information and discuss such issues with other like minded people at www.suijurisclub.net. Don't forget to add your web or blog address to your signature line so people can find you!!]
The entire implausible incident serves one purpose for the government... to provide a plausible cover or alibi when things go seriously wrong or a false flag op unfolds. Same deal with the Mexican trucks now being allowed to cross the borser... it offers a plausible excuse of how the "terrorists" might have gotten hold of some nasty weapons.
Add this together with the Sept. 14th standdown and the October exercises for implementing martial law procedures and its certainly a time to remain vigilant and have an escape route planned.
People are worried about Bush and Cheney, while the real culprits are unelected and owe allegiance only to themselves and not a country. We could have exposed them or maybe they exposed themselves to either see our reaction, they are about to hit us from the blind side, or they had another "power failure" and had to abort.
People are always talking about how everybody is asleep and we should be ashamed of ourselves, well many people are awake, but unfortunately they are all on different pages.
A lot of people are putting their faith in Ron Paul, I believe if you get that high up in politics you are part of the problem and not part of the solution, you also don't get elected to the "presidency" unless you are somehow related to the queen of England.
There maybe something to this or it just may fizzle out like most of the "other stuff" that was suppose to happen over the last several years.
The Bilderbergers are the Shadow Government. Bush, Chaney etc........are only puppets carrying out directives. The Bilderbergers and the Trilaterl Commission Run the world. They are the World Government. I believe this article was an alert to the CIA or other Operative. It was a GO sign to whatever Classified Project they are calling the Axis of Evil. The commands went out, and now they will carry through whatever the directive was to do.
Behind the vail is a very cruel bunch of people. Let us Pray!
What if one person had the personal integrity to look out onto an airstrip, noticed something unusual on one of the B52s that fly in day in and day out and mentioned that oddity. What we do know is that one person at least had the courage, knowing it might cost his life and rank, but weighing it all out, spoke up and out about the truth. He saw what he saw and damn the torpedos. What we know is that someone at Barksdale found it odd. There are probably photos. Christ, we had nuclear weapons on a bomber. That guy probably knew his entire life he would be used in a moment like this. To me, it immediately brought back the pics of 911. Some circumstantial evidence is very strong as when one finds a trout in the milk; or in this case six missing nuclear warheads on a misty summer morn in Bossier. Now, Fossett disappearing simultaneously is also interesting. How exactly does one lose a nuclear warhead? And they are looking for Fossett in...the desert near area 51. Oh, it all boggles the mind. We are in deep. Bring in heavy smoke or none at all.
Where does it say that the military can't fly nuclear tipped missles over the US? I can't find any!
Given that people were relieved of duty and decertified over this mess, it is obviously more serious than 9/11 (those responsible for the worst defensive military failure and "intelligence failure" in U.S. history were promoted and decorated).
It now appears as though We The People have not deprogrammed ourselves quickly enough from the shock and awe of 9/11 to generate enough blowback potential in time to save the Constitution.
>I also think Chenny is evil incarnate and is behind 911 and the plans to nuke Iran, who benifits? 1. Israel. 2. the military industrial complex. 3. the oil companies.
We also would screw China out of an oil deal they signed with the Iranians. With China (potentially) losing an oil resource, will they get involved? Robert Baer, consultant and former CIA, has publicly said the decision has already been made to hit Iran.
>don't be surprised if we're all forced to get chipped.
The chips cause cancer in 10% of the people implanted with them.
>pulling out those nukes for shipment to the Mideast came from special White House codes.
Do you have a link for this?
>Note to UBL
Considering the FBI doesn't list 9/11 on UBL's wanted poster (check the FBI website) because there is not enough evidence against him. The studies put forth by phycists Steven Jones and Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth (http://www.ae911truth.org/), state the buildings should not have fallen due to the damage they had. You can add to this the quote from James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of the Fire Science Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):
"I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable," explained Dr. Quintiere. "Let's look at real alternatives that might have been the cause of the collapse of the World Trade Towers and how that relates to the official cause and what's the significance of one cause versus another."
IMHO, I think 9/11 was staged. I don't know who did it, but AIPAC, PNAC, Israel, Silverstein, and the Bush Admin were beneficiaries. The problem we have run into is that the Afghanistan and Iraq aren't rolling over and playing dead.
>Something's afoot, something serious enough to cause you to liquify your assets and invest in "beans and bullets".
If you go to Yahoo finance and look up the SPY (S&P Index Fund) options, you'll find 80,000 options contracts very far away from the market that are due to expire on 9/21.
If you want an interesting read, look for John Perkins' book "Confession of and Economic Hitman". He has a second book out called "The Secret History of the American Empire".
Yankee Liberal
Kudo's to the patriot who leaked this story.
Remember, Our military swore to protect us from all threats..
Foreign and DOMESTIC.
Man are you being paranoid.
To think that our government would leave our nation open to attack would be as unlikely as our government faking an attack on a ship to escalate a war, allow another nation's forces to attack our territory to start a war, to arrest antiwar dissidents and arrest editors of dissenting newspapers to enter a war, to deliberately sink a ship to start a war.
Such things just don't happen, or I would have seen stories on the TV news. Wow, did you see Oprah's interview of Obama's wife? Hard hitting. TFPIC
And remember on this day, 9-11 they attacked us for our freedoms.
lol...yep, i agree that if we don't see it on TV then it doesn't happen.
Funny thing, cheney was here in Idaho (Swan Valley area to be exact) fishing a for a few days a couple weeks back. Two of the three highly armed gunships (they looked like MH-60L's, tho I could be wrong) would escort him on his fishing trip (at our expense I might add) back and forth from the Jackson Hole, Wy area to Swan Valley, ID. The two gunships would sit idle in a small field along with an ID State Trooper, a local sheriff, an ambulance and a few black SUV's. He would actually put full 8+ hour days in, kudos for that cheney!!!
I called the local news paper (Post Register of Idaho Falls, ID) and guess what....nothing.
i can't even begin to imagine what this biz with the wayward nukes is. it's even possible the whole thing was a ruse and the leak was intended. i dunno, but i'm sure 911 was an inside job, and the only way they can keep the ball rolling, is to have another one. it's like the 2000 elections and everything else since then, they know we know the dirt, but they don't care, their hubris has reached epic proportions because they have gotten away with mass mayhem since 2000. they realize the dictatorship is only a false flag away, it's been a smooth skate and will be even smoother after.
One of my duties in the Navy was to provide security for the ammo locker on our ship where nukes would be stored, if we carried any. The failsafes and procedures involved in handling nukes make this type of mistake immpossible (this isn't Broken Arrow). In addition, my father flew the long range bombers for SAC in the 50s and he agrees.
As a side note, my father dealt extensively with the govt during the 80s, and he has no love for the Bush clan. He knows something about them, that he won't tell us.
>As a side note, my father dealt extensively with the govt during the 80s, and he has no love for the Bush clan. He knows something about them, that he won't tell us.
The Bush family has a very shady past starting with Prescott Bush' involvement in an attempted coup against FDR in the early 30s and financing Nazi Germany in the 40s. GHWB was CIA at least into the 1970s and then became director of the CIA under Ford. I suspect the real reason to invade Panama in 89 was to get the dictator someplace where he couldn't rat-out GHWB.
Yankee Liberal
Israel Airline El Al Has 'No Flights' Departing NY On 9-14
Hey, good info Yankee Liberal. This really puts things in perspective. I'm sick of the celebrated family "dynasties." They are highly corrupt.
El Al generally doesn't fly on Fridays anyway, so this may not be as much of a red flag as some are making it out to be, but good catch none the less.
>Israel Airline El Al Has 'No Flights' Departing NY On 9-14
[UK] Banks face 10-day debt timebomb
Tens of billions of pounds of these commercial paper loans have already built up in the financial system, because fear-ridden investors no longer want to buy them. Roughly £23bn of these loans expire on September 17 alone.
Some experts -- and hedge fund investors who have made big bets that the mortgage crisis will worsen -- are saying that's exactly what will happen. Some bond funds that invest in riskier short-term debt already have been whacked by soaring default rates on bonds backed by subprime loans made to borrowers with weak credit.
Really strange S&P Index CALL option trades for options expiring 9/21.
Three CVBGs soon to be in the Gulf.
I hope I'm just paranoid and nothing happens.
Yankee Liberal
El Al has no flights departing New York on Fridays for the rest of the month or in October. Looks like they observe the sabath (Friday or Saturday)
The more interesting item if further down the page.
Notice: From Sept 11, DEBKAfile reporting will be confined to special security events. We go back to routine coverage on Tuesday, Sept 18
Roshashona? (sp?)
Tired Yankee Liberal
Sorry too bring in a religious side in such disturbing times.
But I have been reading from the Book of Enoch which was found in the Dead Sea scrolls and I believe was written by Enoch himself.
For those that want to hear, he calls us to repent, acknowledge the name of the Almighty (Life Giver), the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, and Live forever with Them!
Time is short folks!!!
We are all sons of Adam, related to Noah, and therefore in need of salvation!
I think the Book of Enoch should be in the bible as many of the writers (I know of one) in the Bible made mention of it!
Again, sorry to be religious, but I feel compelled to speak up!
Hummmmm..... this is all very interesting. I have been sleeping for awhile and now, I have risen from my bed wide awake. Politicians of any type totally disgust me and I believe they would do anything and everything to be "more than" wealthy and claim the spot light. I trust "not" a one of them !!! Who is really watching out for our welfare here in America? Answer: No One !!! When all is said and done, the only thing you will hear them say is, "I was only following orders". Sad.... It will be too late.
Hi from the UK.
Just goes to show that the majority of the population is completely oblivious to some of the hairier stuff that goes on in the world, & that the media is 'careful' not to tell.
I stumbled across this article & found others that I searched the net to corroborate the story. I am simultaneously gob-smacked, horrified & to be honest... sick with worry at what kind of evil might be perpetrated in the world on or after the 14th. I'm holding my breath til then & hoping that all the conspiracy & NWO type stories flying around the 'under-net' are merely fabrications of deluded or bored minds. My instincts are shouting ever louder that they aren't.
I have a couple of questions I want to put to anyone in the know (or anyone with an IQ of more than 30) regarding transportation of nuclear weapons:
1/ Since when have nuclear weapons been TRANSPORTED on anything other than TRANSPORT planes (C130 etc)?
2/ Since when have we TRANSPORTED nuclear weapons (whether destined for decommission, or to relocate them) by bolting them to the munitions pylons of a nuclear strike bomber?????
They must think we're all mental.
Start praying... now.... & if you're not in the habit of praying.... start! Hopefully I'll be seeing you all on Saturday!
Joe Blogger.
Folks. Every combat aircraft with a weapons payload over 7000 lb can carry nuclear weapons and their pilots are trained for it. That means every fighter, and attack aircraft. Some nuclear bombs look like fuel tanks or other munitions. And if you think B-52's don't 'normally' fly around the US with nukes onboard, it's been happening every day since 1946. It's called airborne aleart and it happens all the time. The airforce is rightly
freaked out that all the safety precautions were bypassed. The problem applies to ground crews of any combat aircraft.
And on September 11th,the football team called the Patriots,is accused of 'spying'on the team from New York called the Jets.How come I cannot shake the feeling that it is not the football patriots,getting thrown under the bus here by the MSM,somehow this is one of the dots.
>Just goes to show that the majority of the population is completely oblivious to some of the hairier stuff that goes on in the world
Most people don't have time for news analysis or find it boring. When they do pay attention, they go to Fox News.
>And if you think B-52's don't 'normally' fly around the US with nukes onboard, it's been happening every day since 1946. It's called airborne aleart and it happens all the time.
Airbourne Alert was ended by Presidential order in 1991. It was a sign the Cold War had ended.
Six nuclear weapons were loaded at Minot. Only five made it to Barksdale.
More information on this story:
>I cannot shake the feeling that it is not the football patriots,getting thrown under the bus here by the MSM,somehow this is one of the dots.
I can't see the Belechek doing this. I CAN see Parcells doing it.
Yankee Liberal
3.5 hours for a 2 hour flight? How do we know ANY of the real nukes showed up in Barksdale?
Power Versus Force --a MUST read book. Spiritual Politics Changing the World from the Inside Out ....another great read.
Sounds like there is going to be a
911 all over again. Why? ElAl... The Israeli Airlines have cancelled
all flights to the USA on 14 November. They obviously know something is going to happen.
The US Air Force has been ordered to stand down. Something is going to happen.
6 Cruise Missiles carrying Nuclear
Warheads on the move...final destination.... Iran???? Pre-emptive strike???? Time will tell
Russia has now produced the world's
most powerful Non-Nuclear Bomb.
44 Ton TNT equivalent Blast. ....
Similar characteristics to a Nuclear Warhead.....
President Putin getting Strategic
Bombers to probe British and US
Airspace recently....SOMETHING IS UP !!!!
Just an update from Telstar....
Correct Data:
The new Russian Bomb has the equivalent of 44 tons of regular explosives. It is Air launched.
It has a Blast Radius of 990 Feet.
The method of the explosion is much more efficient. It has been very successfully tested.
I watched the Video of the test.
To think that the "Cold War" is over is way off the mark. Russia's
main aim has and is World Domination
If you go through the El Al website, they have no flights departing New York on any Friday. It's part of their schedule.
>Russia's main aim has and is World Domination
Relax "Francis".
The we are trying to do that too.
The main difference is that Russia has lots of petrodollars to fund its goals while we rely on loans from China. If the ColdWar is back on, we only have to blame the Cheney Admin and Bush's nick-name for Putin (Pooty-Pute).
Yankee Liberal
Its the only way he cn stay in and keep HI Hitory Clinton out of office with a BBOOM. the only question is where. Stay home stock up and pray it is not you city. the fire works will begin. So sorry
http://whatreallyhappened.com has posting about El Al and Fridays. El Al observes the Sabbath and tries to prevent planes from flying into Friday night.
>[keep] Clinton out of office with a BBOOM
This is what my dad thinks.
Yankee Liberal
Hey - Thank you Yankee Liberal,
You sure have been a work horse around here. Lots of good info with updates.
I have an update of my own. It's my new installment on the way-ward nuke story. I haven't made a solid connection yet, but it seems to correspond with this article. Please let me know what you think. See: (copy and paste)
or just go to the newest article link on the right column and click on "Feds Commandeer NORAD For Continuity Of Government"
Thanks all!
>Hey - Thank you Yankee Liberal, You sure have been a work horse around here. Lots of good info with updates.
No problem. As long as I have the time, I'll do the research.
What made this a very significant event was that it was a violation of U.S. Air Force regulations concerning the transportation of nuclear weapons by air. Nuclear weapons are normally transported by air in specially constructed planes designed to prevent radioactive pollution in case of a crash. Such transport planes are not equipped to launch the nuclear weapons they routinely carry around the U.S. and the world for servicing or positioning.
The discovery of the nuclear armed B-52 was, according to Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, the first time in 40 years that a nuclear armed plane had been allowed to fly in the U.S. (http://www.nti.org/d_newswire/issues/2007_9_5.html#149D6ECF). Since 1968, after a SAC bomber crashed in Greenland, all nuclear armed aircraft have been grounded but were kept on a constant state of alert. After the end of the Cold War, President George H. Bush ordered in 1991 that nuclear weapons were to be removed from all aircraft and stored in nearby facilities.
In 1991, President George H.W. Bush reduced the bomber alert status further by ordering nuclear weapons to be removed from the aircraft and kept in nearby storage facilities.
Three key questions emerge over the B-52 incident.
First, did Air Force personnel at Minot AFB not spot the 'error' earlier given the elaborate security procedures in place to prevent such mistakes from occurring?
Who was in Charge of the B-52 Incident?
Why was the nuclear armed B-52 sent to Barksdale AFB?
However, it has been revealed that Barksdale AFB is used as a staging base for operations in the Middle East
There has been recent speculation concerning a possible attack against Iran given reports that the Pentagon has completed plans for a three day bombing blitz of Iran according to a Sunday Times report, LINK. The Report claims that 1200 targets have been selected and this will destroy much of Iran's military infrastructure. Such an attack will devastate Iran's economy, create greater political instability in the region, and stop the oil supply. A disruption of the oil supply from the Persian Gulf could trigger a global economic recession and lead to the collapse of financial markets.
In a rather disturbing synchronistic development, there have been reports of billion dollar investments in high risk stock options in both Europe and the U.S. that would only be profitable if a dramatic collapse of the stock market were to occur before September 21 (http://exopolitics.org/Exo-Comment-57.htm).
The alleged authority responsible for this was Vice President Cheney. He very likely used the Secret Service to take charge of a contrived National Special Security Event involving a nuclear armed B-52 that would be flown from Minot AFB.
Note, A report is due on 9/14 from the DOD.
Theories/Questions about this incident:
- Why is Minot saying six were loaded yet only five made it to Barksdale?
- The whole thing was staged to scare Iran.
- The nukes were destined to hit Iran
- False-flag operation to nuke a US city to give us a reason to nuke Iran.
- Someone at Barksdale blew the whistle and stopped a nuclear holocost in the Persian Gulf
- Steve Fosset is missing because he saw something related to the missing nuke.
- Steve Fosset search is cover for missing nuke search.
- Suspicious option trades (above) were being investigated by Ohio rep
Paul Gillmor (http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/item/20070905_ohios_rep_paul_gillmor_dead_at_68/) who was found dead in his apartment.
Yankee Liberal
To Facist Nation:
Ever hear of "Operation Northwoods"?
Pentagon Document 1962
They wanted to blow up US ships and planes and blame it on Castro.
Old tricks are the best tricks
>Ever hear of "Operation Northwoods"?
Some say it was the model for the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. According a BBC documentry (check under Google -> Video -> Documentries), the USN almost nuked Cairo, Egypt over that one.
Regarding 9/11, if you remember the live reports from 9/11, there was a white airliner circling New York immediately after the attacks. Someone (I forget the site) said it was an E4B flying command post (the DoomsDay plane) that was part of one of the exercises that day.
Yankee Liberal
I have seen this story on many sites now on the www. Hopefully millions have seen it. Surely the govt has seen them too and will relent from any false flag for awhile. Good show everbody, keep your ears to the ground. Too bad we have to keep tabs on and, worry about our own govt!
>Too bad we have to keep tabs on and, worry about our own govt!
You also have to be careful about who you talk to about things like this. Some people become borderline violent if you don't beleive every word the government and mass media say.
BTW, anyone know what happened to Michael Ruppert? The last update from him on his website was a year ago.
Yankee Liberal.
Jesus Christ people get rid of the little shit in the White House and all of his cronies and the world can breathe a sigh of relief......
This is all so crazy!Its like all Bush cares about is makin him and Dick Cheney some money. Dick owns Halliburton which believe it or not makes amunition and other military parts. I wonder what the real reason we went to war with Iraq is?
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