"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer." - Henry Kissinger

AZTLAN refers to a fictional land now known as the U.S. southwestern states.
MEChA claims these lands were stolen from Mexico (disclaiming the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, $15 million paid, etc.), and must be reconquered ("Reconquista")
MEChA was founded for the sole purpose of infiltrating our educational system and, by lies and propaganda, literally "brainwashing" students with anti-American sentiment, hate and violence with the ultimate goal of revolution and the overthrow of the U.S. government.
This is of course sedition and treason. What do you suppose would happen to any citizen who organized to overthrow the government?
The first MEChA chapter was established in 1969 on the U.C. Santa Barbara campus as "El Plan de Aztlan".- MEChA is a growing and increasingly militant Chicano presence on university, high school and junior high school campuses. According to MIGUEL CARILLO, a Chula Vista HS teacher, there are MEChA chapters at over 90% of the high schools in San Diego and Los Angeles.
This is what the MEChA Constitution says (Article II, section 1):"General membership shall consist of any student who accepts, believes and works for the goals and objectives of MEChA, including the liberation of AZTLAN, meaning self-determination of our people in this occupied state and the physical liberation of our land."
Antonio Villaraigosa, Cruz Bustamante, Raul Grijalva, and other prominent Latino politicians say to this day, that they are proud to have been Mechistas. GW Bush wants to grant legal status to 20 million of them. Do they all support this subversive agenda? Polls show as many as 60% do. That is a serious threat to our national security.
The video below provides tangible evidence of an anti-American sentiment within the illegal alien population. Unfortunately these subversives are being materially supported by far left anarchist and communist movements as shown.

The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992 was the most significant statutory attempt in the 1990s to accelerate the FDA drug approval process. The Act provided that the FDA was entitled to collect a substantial application fee from drug manufacturers at the time an NDA was submitted, with those funds designated for use only in drug approval activities. In order to continue collecting such fees, the FDA is required to meet certain performance benchmarks, primarily related to the speed of certain activities within the NDA review process.
Let's translate: The FDA is paid by the Pharmaceutical companies to speed up approval of drugs for the market. Approval time for non-priority new drugs dropped from 27 months to 14 months. In many cases with deadly consequences.For example, VIOXX which killed more than 60,000. About 60 percent of FDA inspectors and managers hold stocks and other interests in drug and health related companies which they oversee.
On October 17, 2006, Crawford pleaded guilty "to conflict of interest and false reporting of information about stocks he owned in food, beverage and medical device companies he was in charge of regulating. He never did any time of course, and neither do any of the other employees working for the FDA.
The PDUFA program has been roundly criticized in the mainstream medical literature as creating conflicts of interest between the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA. The high number of mandated post-approval safety studies that have not been completed by drug manufacturers, 71%, is cited as evidence that the PDUFA is more focused more on the rapid approval of drugs, and less upon patient safety. Volumes have been written about the alleged FDA criminal enterprise but nothing has been done until now.
Ladies and gentlemen please view the video below for an eye-opening documentary on the FDA and Big Pharma that will make your blood boil!
FDA - Corruption in the FDA - Prescription For Disaster
Bear in mind that the FDA also:
- Allows aluminum (a known neuro-toxin linked to Alzheimers) additives to be placed in our foods
- Allows mercury (a known neuro-toxin linked to Autism) in vaccines even after the so-called ban
- Allows its employees to invest in companies it regulates and polices
- Has employees that used to work for companies it regulates and polices
- Is setting it's sights on heavy restrictions of vitamins and supplements giving pharmaceutical companies control manufacturing and pricing (as they are now doing in many European nations)
Johnny Sutton is the United States Attorney for the Western District of Texas based in San Antonio. Sutton also chairs the Attorney General's Advisory Committee of United States Attorneys. He has been described by his mentor, U.S. President George W. Bush, as "my dear friend."
Border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were prosecuted by an attorney of Sutton's office for misconduct in the shooting and wounding of Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, a drug smuggler who had illegally crossed the border between Mexico and the US near Fabens, Texas.
According to the court case, the agents fired fifteen shots at the fleeing man, who was unarmed, in broad daylight on February 17, 2005. Aldrete-Davila was wounded in his buttocks. Ramos and Compean later removed their shell casings from the scene and further filed a false report about the incident with their department. Aldrete-Davila’s van contained nearly eight hundred pounds of marijuana. Aldrete-Davila was granted use immunity, given a border crossing card, and medical treatment in exchange for giving his testimony against Ramos and Compean.
Aldrete-Davila has also filed a $5 million lawsuit against the U.S. government, claiming that his civil rights were violated. Based on testimony by Aldrte-Davila and border patrol colleagues, border agent Jose Compean was sentenced to twelve years and agent Ramos to eleven years and one day in October 2006.Published court documents have revealed that Aldrete-Davila was implicated in the smuggling of another load of marijuana into the US a mere four months before the trial. This information was presented to the defense attorneys and the United States federal district judge and the court ruled it was inadmissable at the time of trial.
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