While we cannot make a clean comparison between the two events, however they are both disasters that stress people and infrastructure.
Mayor Nagin of New Orleans refused (for two days) to yield to White House pressure to evacuate his people immediately. He had over 500 school buses at his disposal and plenty of time to get everyone to safety, yet for some unknown reason he demanded that the feds come do the job of rescuing his people. The buses which could have saved many instead went unused and were destroyed in the flood needlessly. (See photo of buses below)
In San Diego the government leaders did not wait and neither did the citizens. No one waited for the feds to come save them.
Over ten thousand evacuees were moved to the Qualcomm stadium and over half a million to other safe areas and no reports of any murders, rapes, robberies, looting, or related violence. How could this be?
Here's one headline:
Civility Reigns at San Diego Stadium
At San Diego Stadium, Massages and Buffets Lift Spirits of Those Who Fled Wildfires
By SCOTT LINDLAW Associated Press Writer SAN DIEGO Oct 23, 2007 (AP)
There was never an article that read like this on Katrina!
"The people are happy. They have everything here," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared Monday night after his second Qualcomm tour. Although anxieties ran high, the misery index seemed low as the celebrity governor waded through the mob. Scarcely a complaint was registered with him. "Oooh, I got a picture!" shrieked Olivia Beard of Ocean Beach, one of hundreds who pressed toward Schwarzenegger with camera phones snapping.
I could not find any pictures or reports of looting in San Diego - sorry! But, I did find some old news excerpts from Katrina.NEW ORLEANS “DESCEND[S] INTO ANARCHY”: “Storm victims were raped and beaten, fights and fires broke out, corpses lay out in the open, and rescue helicopters and law enforcement officers were shot at as flooded-out New Orleans descended into anarchy Thursday. ‘This is a desperate SOS,’ the mayor said.” [AP]
In another story we read: "An NBC correspondent filmed black, uniformed police strolling through the aisles, filling shopping carts. At one store, a police officer broke the glass on the DVD case so civilians would not cut themselves trying to break it, but one man was ungrateful. “The police got all the best stuff,” he said. “They’re crookeder than us.” One woman stocking up on makeup was glad to see the officers. “It must be legal,” she said. “The police are here taking stuff, too.” Imagine that; police officers looting along with the mob!I know that in desparate times you might go take food, batteries, water or anything that will help you survive. I understand that. The people pictured above were stealing shoes and clothing-hardly survival items. How about these men stealing a trunk full of beer.
Please bear in mind that much of the looting began before the storm reached landfall.
What may have been the most shocking headline of the entire crisis was in the September 2 issue of Army Times: “Troops Begin Combat Operations in New Orleans.” The article was about the Louisiana National Guard massing near the Superdome in preparation for a citywide security mission. “This place is going to look like Little Somalia,” Brig. Gen. Gary Jones explained. “We’re going to go out and take this city back. This will be a combat operation to get this city under control.” The amphibious assault ship Bataan was in the area, but kept its helicopters on board after pilots took sniper fire.
The rescuers were being fired upon by the citizens of New Orleans!!!
Many soldiers came under gunfire from civilians. “I never thought that as a National Guardsman I would be shot at by other Americans,” said Philip Baccus of the 527th Engineer Battalion. “And I never thought I’d have to carry a rifle when on a hurricane relief mission. This is a disgrace.” Cliff Ferguson of the same battalion added: “You have to think about whether it is worth risking your neck for someone who will turn around and shoot at you. We didn’t come here to fight a war. We came here to help.”
How pathetic and barbaric to fire on people who have come to your aid!!!
There is another disturbing dimension to this puzzling event called Katrina.
"Sgt. 1st Class Ron Dixon of the Oklahoma National Guard, who had recently come home from Afghanistan, said he was struck by the fact Afghanis wanted to help themselves, but that the people of New Orleans only wanted others to help them." There you have it again. Some of the people of New Orleans acted just the same as their worthless mayor Ray Nagin. They waited for someone else to do the work for them.
Then after the "Sewerdome" (as it came to be known) in New Orleans was evacuated we got this report. "By the evening of Sept. 3, the Superdome was finally evacuated, but the state-of-the-art stadium was a reeking cavern of filth, human waste, and an unknown number of corpses. It, too, had been looted of everything not bolted down. Janice Singleton was working at the stadium when the storm hit. She said she was robbed of everything she had, including her shoes. As for the building: “They tore that dome apart,” she said sadly. “They tore it down. They taking (sic) everything out of there they can take.” It will be interesting to see how many corpses are left after the San Diego fire is over. I bet there won't be any. I bet there won't even be any looting or destruction of the stadium! How do I know this? Just a wild hunch I guess!At one point there were as many as seven or eight corpses in front of the stadium, some of them with blood streaming from bullet wounds. Inside, there was an emergency morgue, but National Guardsmen refused to let a Reuters photographer in to take pictures. “We’re not letting anyone in there anymore,” he said. “If you want to take pictures of dead bodies, go to Iraq.” By Saturday, Sept. 3, the center was mostly cleared of the survivors. Refugees pulled shirts over their noses trying to block out the smell as they walked past rotting bodies. (See the corpse left outside, they didn't even bother to clear it from the general population!)
The world witnessed with astonishment sights it never expected to see in the United States. “Anarchy in the USA,” read the headline in Britain’s best-selling newspaper, The Sun. “Apocalypse Now,” said Handelsblatt in Germany. Mario de Carvalho, a veteran Portuguese cameraman, who has covered the world’s trouble spots, said, “It’s a chaotic situation. It’s terrible. It’s a situation we generally see in other countries, in the Third World.”
Jesse Jackson, Sr. said the outside of the stadium made the place look “like the hull of a slave ship.” Ah, let's blame the white folks.
Some (probably a minority) did unspeakable things: loot hospitals, fire on rescue teams, rape helpless victims, destroy ambulances. No amount of excuse-making and finger-pointing can excuse barbarism like that. The degenerates of the Nagin's Chocolate City did it and only they are to blame! Don't blame me Jessie Jackson...I wasn't there.
Let's see if the people of San Diego take their government relief money and go buy porn, drugs, alcohol, and lap dances. If I'm wrong I'll retract my article and admit that I was wrong. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to take this article down though!
Natural disasters usually bring out the best in people. They help neighbors and strangers alike. For the Chocolate City—at least some of New Orleans' residents—disaster was an excuse to loot, rob, rape and kill.
If this fire were in LA it would be a far different story. Many people there have the same mentality as those in New Orleans.
Yeah people in San Diego are more laid back. Wish I could still afford to live there, I loved it in spite of the fires almost every year.
I know FEMA wasn't there! They had quite a spread in the buffet line along with live music and massage therapists to take the edge off of things. What's next aroma therapy?Makes me think we're better off without the feds! No, I'm sure we're better off without them.
I disagree! The San Diego fire is comparable to Katrina. The difference is the culture. The chocolate city has an infamous reputation for its rampant corruption and lawlessness. The murder rate there is the highest in the nation.
Seems to be divided by race to me.
Why is everyone still so afraid of the truth? You can call it generalization or you can call it race. The bottom line is that in general, certain people tend to act and conduct themselves in the same manner no matter where you go, New Orleans, New York, wherever. That is extremely consistent! Those people elected the worthless city officials and continue to re-elect them whcih tells the entire story of what types of people reside in New Orleans. So yes, certain races pass on certain values and it is clearly evident in the comparisons between New Orleans and San Diego. It is expensive to live here and that is a great thing when all is said and done. It keeps those with no values and ethics (including work ethic) from moving here and continues to help us weed out the bad seed that always want someone else to give them a free hand instead of earning it themselves!
By the way Jojobean, I am glad you took the time to let the readers know what a great atmosphere the city and county created for those at Qualcomm. Yet I do want to point out something we should all know about government. The way our great country is set up with government is that each city, county and state has thier specific jurisdiction. This is something the idiot Nagan of New Orleans does not understand. It IS the city's job to evaluate disaster and call upon the state once overwhelmed. Exactly the way our great mayor and our great governor handled this. The Feds are the last resort if troops are needed for man power, security, etc. And of course, financial backing once the disaster becomes too large for us to handle fiscally. So yes indeed, we DO and DID need the FEDS. In fact, if it wasn't for the Feds, another 2000 homes would have easily gone up. The comforts at Qualcomm are a kudos to the city officials and especially the many great volunteers within the San Diego communities. So please people, realize that our officials are not overstating how great a cooporation this was from top to bottom. The success of the mission thus far is due to a consistently hardworking and cooperating group of gret people who have put their ego aside to help all of us that were in danger! Hmmm, hardworking & cooperating: A couple of adjectives you won't associate with the people and officials of Ne Orleans.
I keep feeling... enraged when people say "Oh well Katrina was because we were black and the government abandoned us because of that"
San Diego was doing well long before FEMA arrived. Our local government stepped in and everyone in this large city cooperated, worked together and dealt with it in an admirably responsible way.
If you want one of the most articulate accounts of BEHAVIOR and personal responsibility related to Katrina, I suggest reading this essay:
I'm from San Diego and had to evacuate from my house once, but almost twice.
San Diego's population is multi-ethnic. We have a large population of minorities. Filipinos, Mexicans, Koerans, etc. I don't know about New Orleans but race relations are pretty good here in San Diego.
San Diego is a success story because the culture here is laid back but we take care of each other in times of need.
San Diego is "America's Finest City".
I'm proud to be a San Diegan and proud that San Diegans took care of each other in a time of need. The town north of where I live, Rancho Bernardo was devastated. I went to Rancho Bernardo High school so this town is so important to me.
Our local leaders deserve a lot of credit for helping out in this time of need. Our firefighters are definitely heroes.
Hey anonymous, there are also fires in LA. We still haven't heard of such anarchy.
I have the experience of living in Santa barbara County for my first 36 years and in Louisiana for the last 12. I live in Metairie, part of Jefferson Parish which neighbors Orleans Parish. Feds have recently brought people in to help with the corruption. As they have stated, Louisiana isn't the 1st state they have been brought into to fight corruption. When asked if Louisiana has more problem with corruption that other states, they have said "No". They admit that Louisiana does not suffer from corruption more than other states, but they have put up with it longer. Having said that, we are simply the "flavor of the month". Which state was last or who will be next? As far as the comparisons between the two tragedies, was the looting out of control,,, yes it was. But don't forget, that due to the flooded city, no one could bring in supplies to the Superdome or other parts under water. Someone called the Superdome the "state of the art facility",, the dome is over 25 years old. It wasn't until after Katrina that the dome recieved a major make over. With the fires, you still had roads to access the damaged parts of the city. You could still deliver supplies to the stadium. Let me stop there and say, its dangerous to compare the tragedies. They were just that, tragedies. Rather compare the way the Feds some in and help. If the lessons learned from Katrina can benefit the people of San Diego, then great. I can only pray and cross my fingers that there won't be the major rains to cause mudslides. So much response and prepardness is learned. After Katrina, I read and heard alot of hateful things about the people of Louisiana. These are the
"UNITED" States of America, let us not forget that. In the coming months I hope the people of San Diego and all the affected areas of Southern California do not suffer the problems with insurance companies like Louisiana did. Instead I hope they experience all the random acts of kindness. If it weren't for all the volunteers that came and continue to come, many of which were from various church groups throughout the U.S., we wouldn't have made the progress we did. In closing, rather than be tempted to sit back in your easy chairs, and second guess what happened, or make hateful ignorant statements towards any city or any race, income class, remember those who suffered losses. Contribute to your local Red Cross or any other organizations who come to our aid. Do something. FEMA will continue to learn from their mistakes, and as they do, the one thing that will not change is the staple of the American Fabric. That staple is the American people. American people who come to the aid of other American people when they need it the most. Leave the lip service to the politicians.
Dear Blogger,
You truly are a racist individual. The point is not to blame blacks for crime, rape, etc. You have to try to improve response rates in the future regardless of status figures. Instead of being cynical, let's change our perceptions on race and class and hopefully that will lead us one step closer to civility.
Hi Joseph,
Joseph said...
"Dear Blogger,
You truly are a racist individual."
Me a rascist? Hoohummmmm, (yawn) Is that all you could come up with was a personal attack? Couldn't refute the facts could you? Typical childish liberal. I just marvel about liberals and their aversion to the truth.
Someone points out the truth and they are rascist. What you need to do Joseph is recognize that there is an enormous crime and violence problem in black American culture. If we don't point it out and address that fact it can never be fixed.
You can deny this dangerous and very real problem all you want, but you do society and the black community particularly great harm.
Imagine if one demographic group in America were 33 times more prone to commit crimes than another group. How would you feel about the relatively crime-prone group? The relatively crime-free group? Wouldn't you want to know about such differences? Blacks are 33 times more likely to commit crime than asians. Thats a fact. If that makes me rascist in your mind - TOO BAD!!!
Do a little research Joseph; the crime stats are shocking. You can start here (link below). Get out of that lala land and come to grips with reality.
The Color of Crime:
no thanks, i don't want to read your racist propaganda. i am not going to call names because THAT is childish. but, do you think that it will benefit society to continue stereotyping blacks as more crime prone? If you control for race, you might find crime has to deal with other factors such as socioeconomic status. In San Diego, the outcome of the fires was far better than that of Katrina. If you're theory is true, shouldn't a percentage of blacks in San Diego have looted and raped others? People act certain ways because of circumstance they are put into. It's not right, but we should try to promote change. People are capable of change when given the chance.
You are just trying to pinpoint a population and say how horrible they are when in fact, you should try to find answers to these crime rates. New Orleans deserved just as much care as those in San Diego.
Joseph said:
"If you control for race, you might find crime has to deal with other factors such as socioeconomic status."
That arguement is easily disproven. During the Great Depression crime rates were very low by today's standards and the crime commited back then was tame by comparison. Did you know that during the depression most people didn't have locks on their doors? You didn't need them.
Today's crime is culture driven and far more violent. You don't walk into a convenience store and murder the clerk because you are hungry. Murder is culture driven and so is rape, vandalism, drug traffiking and assault. All of which are high on the list in black communities. If they were just stealing bread (which they are not) then I would agree with you.
We live in a time of prosperity and opportunity for all. All they have to do is apply themselves. Black culture promotes criminality and ridicules those who excel in scholastics. If they are poor it is their own fault and not mine. There are MORE than enough opportunities for blacks to succeed.
I defy you to show me one good low crime safe black community. I can show you thousands of good low crime safe white or asian communities.
LOL ok so go look at the FACTS on race vs crime and then you may comment further....
According to FBI crime statistics for 1993 (FBI Oct. 1993 Uniform Crime Reports) Blacks are 2200% (22times) more likely to kill Whites that Whites are to kill Blacks. In Armed Robbery 7,031 blacks were victimized by Whites whereas 167,924 Whites were victimized by blacks (American Enterprise. (1995) Crime and Race May/June Issue compiled from justice Department Data.from 1991)
As shocking as these figures are I must point out that the government record keeping makes the higher black percentages of cross race crime seem far less than they really are. Many crimes that are classified as “White” against black are not committed by Whites at all, but come from Mexican Puerto Rican and other Hispanic Minorities that are lumped in with Whites. For instance the shooting of a black by a Mexican in a drug deal gone bad is considered a “White on Black” crime.
Wow! Anyone who attacks people afflicted by a disatster to promote racism is an IDIOT! Yes, terrible things happened in New Orleans but unless you were there how can you judge why things went so wrong. Simply assumimg that black people are lazy uncontrollable animals is stupid and evil. I'm sure white people in New Orleans looted to get dry shoes and clothes too since there was a flood and all their possesions where ruined by the water. It's not like stores were open for business. And perhaps looters stocked up on beer because all the water bottles and juice had been looted already. Ever think of that? As for San Diego, yes I see white people volunteering to save horses and give massages but I wonder If Southeast San Diego was on fire would whites rush in to help blacks, asians and latinos. If I assume all whites are like you then answer is hell no. Also, I saw reports of white people in the east county refusing to leave their homes and eventually needed to be rescued. Why dont you berate them and refer to them as stupid redneck hicks? You need to just come out and admit you hate black people and stop hiding behind this transparent "test of civiliity"
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Ugg boots are says to be initially established in the nations around the world Australia and New Zealand. Nevertheless, currently they have cultivate into fairly recurrent world over. A lot of superstars much too put on these shoes. They are relatively cozy and trendy.
Elegantly developed, Ugg bootshave fleece on inner aspect that soaks the moisture. The fleece also lends it the thermostatic real estate. For the reason that of the existence of fleece the air movement out and in of the boot is also potential. There are two styles which are obtainable: slip on and lace up. The two the [url=http://www.cheapukuggsboots.co.uk]cheap ugg[/url] variants are up-to-date in varied colors akin to black, chestnut, blue, pink, gray, etc. Ugg bootsare current in several heights as well.
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